God’s – Jett Villarin, SJ

Matthew 22:15-21, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time A musical instrument such as a violin makes its unique sound from waves of air that ripple from the action of the bow on its strings and the echoes from its wooden body. Another instrument, the flute, pipes its sound by creating a different set of waves from…

Love Never Passes Away – David Xu, SJ

Matthew 21:33-43, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us a parable about a landowner and his vineyard. The landowner leaves the vineyard in the hands of his tenants to tend. However, the tenants behaved far from expected. They seized, beat, stoned, and even killed, the landowner’s servants. This happened again and…

Cornerstone – Arnel Aquino, SJ

Matthew 21:33-43, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time You know how difficult it is to enter Ateneo, right? It’s legendary now. These past months, there’s been a regular turnover of new guards at the gates. So, all faces are unfamiliar to them including ours, campus residents. So, whether we’re in a car or on foot, we…

It’s not where you start – Munching de Guzman, SJ

Matthew 21:28-32, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Two sons were asked, “Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.” The first son said “I will not,” but changed his mind and went. The second son said, “Yes, sir!” but did not go. Today’s Gospel reminds us that our starting point matters less – what…

Naysayers – Jett Villarin, SJ

Matthew 21:28-32, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time The first son said no, he won’t go to the vineyard. But he changes his mind and goes instead. The second said yes, but backs out on his word. Our Lord asks, which one did the will of his father? The Gospel today is not about being true…